Beyond the lines: Our Blog
4 tips to make your playground more fun for kids

We love working on playgrounds and nothing makes us happier than being involved in exciting projects that capture kids’ imaginations. In our everyday business, we use lines to convey and instil order, maximise space and ensure safety, but a number of playgrounds are giving a whole new purpose to the painted line – fun.
Here are our top tips for how you can invigorate your playground.
1 – Listen to kids
Ask kids what they want. It sounds so obvious and simple, but too often we see kindergartens, schools and local councils leave children out of the creative process which ends up leading to guess work. Instead, we suggest you include children in the design process. Talk to them. Ask them what they think would be fun. Get inside their heads. Amidst the outlandish ideas will be a few doable ones that will capture their imaginations and provide hours of endless fun.
Real life example – In the Auckland suburb of Waterview, the NZ Transport Agency’s Waterview Connection motorway project set a new benchmark for how playgrounds of the 21st century should look. Waterview Reserve playground, which opened in December 2015, is a shining example of the potential that exists.
So what is the key to the popularity of the Waterview Reserve playground?
“Our designers listened to what the children had to say,” says NZ Transport Agency’s Highway Manager, Brett Gliddon.
2 – Variety!
How much variety there is across your playground is only limited by imagination. Kids love diverse and varied activities so pack it with a mix of features to create a more adventurous experience.
Real life example – Waterview Reserve playground is a perfect example of how to capture kids’ imaginations.
“There are water-play and risk-taking areas, as well as slides, swings, roundabouts and sports courts. And while we couldn’t give them the ‘edible’ playground they wanted with trees of lollies, plenty of fruit trees have been planted instead,” says Gliddon.
Budget needn’t restrict your ability to do that as a creative and intelligently designed playground can use new age paint work to give your playground the kick it needs to bring it to life.
3 – Colour
By injecting a serious dose of colour, you can breathe new life into a tired playground or put the sparkle and wow factor into a new build.
Using a colourful range of markings can help to create a virtual wonderland for children that will keep them amused for hours. It’s important to use marking products which are UV resistant to ensure you get long-lasting value out of your investment. It’s also important to use environmentally friendly substances with 100% organic ingredients like the DecoMark products we use at Coastline Markers. It goes without saying that it’s never worth taking any risks, especially when children are involved.
Real life example – The array of colours applied at the Waterview Reserve playground and the use of new technology and varied line formations has given the community something that excites and entertains them, and will continue to do so for years to come.
4 – Get in touch with Coastline Markers today…
Our crack team of marking specialists are ready to work with you to create a captivating, adventure-filled and safe playground.
We can help you to make the most of your resources, with budget-friendly options that won’t break the bank.
So get your creative juices flowing and give us a call to learn more about the options available.